
Sunday, March 17, 2013

How to Find the Right Publishers for Your CPA Network

CPA Networks have grown considerably over the last few years. The trend has leveled off the last few years since there has been a large influx of new networks. With all the new networks that have come on the scene it is become increasingly more important to keep your proverbial "ducks in a row". It goes without saying that when affiliates begin a new network that a percentage of them will have little idea what they are doing... yes this is true. Just as there are affiliates that fail to run their business optimally, there are network owners that get too excited to started that they miss some things in the process.

You must focus first on who you are and what type of affiliates you are trying to recruit. Are you going to be an incentive network or are you trying to focus mainly on sale type of campaigns. This decision will guide you in how you market your network to potential publishers.

You must answer three main questions when defining what your network is or is not
1. What type of campaigns will you focus on.

Publishers look for particular type of campaigns based on how they run their affiliate marketing business. You can focus on one type of another or a mixture of both, but you have to decide first
2. What type of website experience will you provide
There are many types of website experiences that you can choose from. Most networks are set up similarly but there can be differences in how the offers are laid out, stats, updates, and graphics. Some networks are in your face and have flashy graphics while others are more conservative focusing on ease of use and simplicity. Publishers will make their decision on whether or not they will work with you in the first few minutes of viewing your site so choose your layout carefully.

3. What will I focus on (what makes me different)
You may not have a lot of experience in CPA Network Marketing, but you may experience in other things. One such example is myself. I have been involved in affiliate marketing for around 5 years and have been running my own network for two years now which is not a lot compared to other network owners, but I have outside experience which translates to my business which included running the advertising department of a bricks and mortar business as well holding multiple degrees in Marketing. Find something you can use as a plus for your publishers. Sometimes just being available at all times is enough to set you apart. Some bigger networks are almost never available when you try to contact them. Ask publisher what they dislike about some networks and use those as your positives by solving those needs.

Where do You go?
My grandad told me some of the best business advice when i was 10 years old but we were not talking about ROI, Profitable margins, placements, or earnings per click. He told me something far more valuable. Go where the fish are. Why put your line in the mud if your not fishing for crabs? Your looking for fish, but certain type of fish.

Publishers congregate in places where they can talk and discuss strategies. Most of the time these places will be in the forum of online groups and niche forums. This is where you want to be. Now I say this with urgency. You need to be part of at least 3-5 forums and be active at any given time. Now, there is a right way to do this and a wrong way. I have seen a lot of wrong ways and a lot of right ways.

WRONG: get on any given forum and start blasting your message at any given person. tell them where you are and wait for the traffic
RIGHT: Get in involved. New marketing = Talking to people and solving problems. People are on the internet for two main reasons... to solve a problem or to be entertained. People in forum are primarily looking for answers. Be the first to answer their question or be the first to give a detailed response that is a worthwhile read. Don't sell them on anything off the bat. When you have earned some creditability, start telling others what you can do for them or simply tell them you are there. You will get the traffic... for this I am certain. This has been one of the best ways for me to gather traffic and new publishers
You will eventually start getting applications for publishers that want to be part of your network. Now this also goes without saying that there are good publishers and there are bad ones. There are some publishers that will make you a lot of money and there are some that will want to take it all away.

You need to verify your publishers and screen them as they come it. It is sometimes tempting to accept anyone into your network because you are happy just to get people to sign up, but you MUST be proactive in weeding out the ones that will be more of a liability especially if you are running incentive campaigns.

I would do THREE main things when screening publishers
1. do a simple background check. if you cant afford background checks, ask for references from other networks. Also request identification because if they cant prove who they are then you don't want to be working with them
2. Look at their website if they provided one. see how long the spent on it. Does it look well put together and how much traffic is it getting. How is it ranked? Who is visiting this website and from what counties.

Alexa is good for this
3. Talk to them on the phone or send follow up questions by email. based on how they talk or by their responses in their email and how fast they respond will let you know what type of publisher you are dealing with. Some people simply litter the internet with applications and only work with the ones who instantly approve... you wont have to deal with these characters because you are proactive
Referrals are the cheapest and most effective form of advertising. Unfortunately it is also take the longest to cultivate and profit from
You will eventually get people to start talking... hopefully it is good. When they do, others will naturally want to sign up and if they are referred from a good publisher then they have already done half your job for you. You build trust with your publishers and this translates to easier referrals. But most importantly, when someone compliments you... say thank you but also ask for the referral. This is key because it doubles the amount you get rather then just waiting for those to do it themselves. Being part of social media, you can ask for the referrals even easier by getting others to view your social media page. Others will talk and they always will so make sure they have something good to talk about.

Follow these three things and you will be OK as well as give yourself the best shot at success
I had to put this one in caps because I have been guilty of losing my patience. I think everyone has. You have to calm yourself and know you can only do so much in one day.
They key is to follow your plan everyday and don't falter. no matter if you do one thing all day, do this one thing with gusto and passion. You must work to help people. You must put yourself last. I know everyone says pay yourself first but this is financial advice... not business advice. Put your clients first above everything else and they will put you first as well. Creating symbiotic relationships is the key to a winning business plan and a less stressful life. You cant do it all alone, be there for people and they will be there for you when you need them.

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